Create a microapp from a PDF

  1. Click the blue plus button to open up the new "Create a new microapp" modal and select Start from PDF

    Screen Shot 2023-09-05 at 7.59.29 PM
  2. To get started, drag and drop or browse your files for an existing PDF

    Screen Shot 2023-09-05 at 8.01.14 PM
  3. You will be taken to the microapp builder to watch your PDF convert to a microapp (Note: The microapp size and name is automatically set based on the size of your pdf and name of your pdf file.)

  4. When you're ready, add interactivity using the various tiles in the builder

  5. Don't forget to publish and share the microapp!

Note: You will notice when viewing the microapp, there is default navigation added for you. To disable the default navigation head to Microapp Settings General tab.