Document Conversion Known Issues

Users may run into issues while converting existing files to microapps due to the unique nature of each file. Below is a list of known issues that currently exist.




Text comes over as image tiles instead of text tiles.

When importing a PPTX file, our system doesn’t always bring text as text tiles.

Delete the image tile and create a text tile with your desired value. 

Builder slows down when there are too many tiles or assets.

Due to the nature of generating tiles, we create a lot of additional assets in the builder. Having a large number of assets in the builder and many tiles on the screen/canvas, the builder will become laggy, causing the dragging of assets and tiles to be choppy.

There is no workaround, but a best practice is to only generate tiles for specific pages that need to be edited.

Text tiles do not support rotation. If there is vertical text in a PDF, it will come over as horizontal.



Text tiles do not support multiple styles, so text may come over only partially styled.

For example, you cannot have bolded text in the middle of regular text, so the entire text tile will have one style applied to the whole thing. 

Use the text tile flyout to make any configuration changes to the style.

Not all images will properly come over clipped


Import an image to replace the image that is not clipped properly.

Some images are extracted and look like they have different colors than in the original PDF.

CMYK colorspace images are not supported. They will convert to RGB during the conversion process

Import the image to replace the image that doesn't have the correct colors. 

Text is not always extracted with the correct fonts.

Sometimes we cannot extract the correct font from the PDF and we will just default to Arial. We’re only able to extract Google fonts and custom fonts that users have already uploaded to the Tiled account.

Select one of our supported fonts from the text flyout.

There are file size limits:

  • PDF: Unlimited, although larger would be unperformant
  • Powerpoint: 30mb
  • Google Slides: 10mb


Compress your files to ensure they meet the file size limits.

When using import/export with PDF/PPTX/Gslide import microapps, the microapp loses the ability to “Generate tiles”.



When reverting a single-page conversion, all the assets generated and listed in the asset panel will be deleted. If the user used one of those assets on a different page, it would also be deleted from that page. 


Import the image you would like to use on other pages so it is not tied to the revert behavior. 

When trying to upload a file with embedded or restricted fonts, the upload will fail. 


Remove the embedded fonts.

PPTX Steps:

  • Go to "Preferences-Output & Sharing
  • Click "Save"
  • Uncheck the Box for Embedding Fonts to "Embed fonts in this file