Import and export microapps

The Import/Export feature allows Tiled Admins and Editors to move microapps from one Tiled account to another. Importing and exporting is a great feature when using templates or working with multiple Tiled accounts, if you are a Creative Agency.

Export a microapp

  1. Login to the desired Tiled account you would like to download a microapp from.
  2. Click the three-dot menu for your desired microapp while in the microapp Library.
  3. Click the Download option from the dropdown.
  4. The download modal will appear and indicate your .tiled file will be emailed once ready.
  5. Check your email inbox and click the Download button.

Note: If the microapp has previously been downloaded by anyone and has not been published since the last download, the microapp will automatically download to your computer and you will not see a download modal or have to wait for an email confirmation.

Import a microapp

  1. Login to the desired Tiled account you would like to upload a microapp to
  2. Click the +New Microapp button in the microapp Library
  3. Click the Upload Microapp
  4. Select a .tiled file click Open.
  5. The upload modal will appear
  6. Select a library and click the Start Upload button
  7. Click the Close button once the upload is complete
  8. Refresh the page to see your microapp in the category you selected

Moving away from the page and/or modal during the microapp upload will cause the upload to stop.


Can I open and view a .tiled file outside of the Tiled platform?

No, you will not be able to open a .tiled file on your device. An exported microapp (.tiled file) can only be selected for upload into a Tiled account. 

Will my custom font appear after importing my microapp to a different Tiled account?

Yes. The system will upload the font automatically to Font Management tab once the microapp is imported if it does not exist.