How to share a microapp with Livesend

This article covers how to share Tiled microapps from a Seismic Tenant using Livesend. Using Livesend to share microapps is a great way to use interactive content and see the engagement within your Seismic Tenant.

  1. Navigate to the Tiled Library and identify the microapp you wish to share via Live Send Link. Make sure the microapp been published.
  2. Click the Share icon.
  3. Click Public
  4. Name the microapp link.
  5. Select Standard.
  6. Copy the URL
  7. Navigate to your Seismic tenant Workspace.
  8. Click + New
  9. Paste the URL that was copied from Tiled.
  10. Name your link and add a description or thumbnail.
  11. Select Dialog.
  12. Click Add.
  13.  Start utilizing the microapp within Seismic!