Analytics for Personalization

Microapps leveraging Personalization can view instance-specific session data. 

Before heading to your Tiled engagement analytics, make sure the microapp you are viewing is a microapp with Personalization and has instances created.

Engagement Analytics

All user activity will display the instance name appended to the microapp name


Overall Activity - Whether you are drilling down on the User, Microapps, or Lates User Activity column you will see the instance name appended to the end of the microapp name.


Base Users

My Activity - Recent Recipient Views column will display the instance name appended to the end of the microapp name.

All pathway analytics will display the instance name and most recent instance screens


All CSV exports will include an Instance Name and Instance ID column

csg exports


If your user activity does not have the instance name appended, there are few possible reasons:

  1. Your microapp does not have Personalization enabled.
  2. Your microapp session was before the analytics updates.
  3. Your microapp session was with the default instance.